Propagation and Resource Development
Development of the Muslim community and its propagation needs human and material resources. Muslims in America have to contribute a large share of resources (i.e.,provide human resources & skills) and bring funds from other Muslim countries. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that among the new Muslim who excelled during the period of ignorance, excelled in Islam after learning Islam. This means that the propagation of Islam will become a self-catalyzing process after some input of energy, money and skills. This cannot happen until Muslims make an organized beginning with definitive goals and driving efforts. Islam will then take a firmer hold and continually make progress.
Muslims have a duty to not acquire American social, moral and spiritual diseases, plus they have a duty to offer the treatment of Islam to the others who might need moral and spiritual healing. The Islamic injunction against social ills, like alcohol and intoxicants, will cure Western society of liquor and drug addiction. Islam removes the demand and the supply of drugs used for abuse. The Islamic system of equity, charity and monetary interest will bring social justice and equity in material terms. The prohibition of fornication and adultery will remove the problem of high divorce rates, single parents and juvenile crimes. Equality of races and equality of opportunity will bring harmony between all people and prosperity to all equally. The concept of accountability to Allah (SWT), who is All-Seeing, All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Hearing and Just will reduce the crime rate to a manageable level — bringing peace and security for all.
If Islam spreads in America and many more people understand Islam properly, there will be many Muslim politicians, educators, business people, newspaper people and others who are sympathetic to Islam. These individuals at all levels would protect the interests of Islam and Muslims. The spread of Islam in the West would have a positive impact on those Muslims who live in Muslim countries — but imitate Western cultures.
Every Muslim and Islamic organization has a duty to spend a sizeable portion of their budget, their energy and their time on dawah. Islam dictates the amount to be spent or gives general directions on how much and to whom. Accordingly, COQII does not attempt to give Muslims any directions but strongly suggest that the Islamic formulas (and more) be followed.